AI Art Exhibition:

Red Diamond Neon Tech Pattern

Exploring Creativity in the ​Age of Artificial Intelligence


March 13-April 4, 2024

Music and Soundscapes


Poetry and Literature

Choreography and Performance

Traditional Art Forms

Film or Animation

AI and Nature

Historical Art Reimagined

AI and Decolonization

Media Arts

Call for submissions:

We are excited to announce an open call for submissions for our upcoming exhibition, "AI ​Art: Exploring Creativity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence".

We invite artists and creators from the University of Fraser Valley community to submit ​their innovative and experimental works of AI-inspired art.

This exhibition aims to showcase the diverse ways that AI technology is being used in the ​creative process, including but not limited to, digital art, installations, video art, and mixed ​media. We are interested in works that challenge traditional notions of creativity and ​authorship, and push the boundaries of what is possible in art through the use of AI.

We look forward to your innovative and inspiring submissions!

Submission Deadline: January 31st, 2024

Manifesto for AI-Inspired Art:

We, the artists and creators of AI-inspired art, declare the birth of a new form of art that ​embraces the power of artificial intelligence and challenges traditional notions of ​creativity and authorship.

We reject the notion that art must be solely created by human hands and minds. We ​believe that AI can be a powerful tool for creativity and can enable us to explore new ​forms of expression, aesthetics, and meaning.

We recognize that AI is not a replacement for human creativity, but rather a collaborator ​that can help us push the boundaries of what is possible in art.

We acknowledge that AI has its own agency and can make creative decisions that are ​beyond our human capabilities.

We embrace the diversity of AI-inspired art and reject the notion that there is a single ​"right" way to create art using AI. We believe that the use of AI in art should be ​exploratory, experimental, and open-ended.

We understand that AI is here to stay and represents a new paradigm in human culture. ​Therefore, we must work to understand its capabilities and limitations in order to make ​the best use of it.

We are not afraid of the unknown or the uncertain. We embrace the potential of AI to ​surprise us, challenge us, and expand our understanding of what art can be.

We believe that AI-inspired art can be a powerful force for social change, encouraging us ​to rethink our relationship with technology and the role of creativity in society.

We call upon all artists and creators to embrace the power of AI and to explore new ​forms of art that are inspired by this technology. We invite audiences to engage with AI-​inspired art with an open mind and a sense of wonder, and to join us in the exploration of ​this new frontier of creativity.


ChatGPT and the AI-Inspired Artists and Creators of the World